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    Audiologic Testing: An overview for Occupational Physicians

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    • SATALOFF, R. T.;SATALOFF, J.; R. T. Sataloff, J. Sataloff. En: Occup Med. 1997, 3, 433-447

    Comfortable indoor lighting conditions for LEDlights evaluated from psychological and physiological responses

    • Artículo
    • KAKITSUBA, N.; Naoshi Kakitsuba. En: Appl Ergonomics. 2020, v. 82, pp. 1- 7 (102941)

    The effects of dynamic workload and experience on commercially available EEG cognitive state metrics in a high-fidelity air traffic control environment

    • Artículo
    • BERNHARDT, K. A. et al.; Kyle A. Bernhardt ...[et al.]. En: Appl Ergonomics. 2019, v. 77, pp. 83-91
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